Friday, December 12, 2008


It's been awhile since I've wrote on this thing huh? Almost two years now....

I like to think of myself as a minority in this great country of of the few Catholics that actually attempts to be a practicing one...that means trying to go to church regularly and receiving communion regularly, as well as trying to follow the rules. I don't always succeed, but I like to think I come close enough.

So I've recently read a book called, "Silence" by a Japanese writer, Shusaku Endo. Shusaku Endo is suppose to be regarded as one of Japan's greatest modern day writer, and what's rare is that he is a Catholic (Christians make up less than 1% of the population in Japan) and regularly discusses his religion in his books.

The book is a profound, heart wrenching book. It's based on a true story of a Portuguese Jesuit priest who enters Japan to find his mentor of which he has not heard from in over 6 years and rumor says has apostasized. This occurs a time when Japan was beginning to isolate itself and persecute Christians (Japanese as well as foreign ones).

And I have to say the book has certainly made an impact on me. It deals with a whole range of subjects from faith, to doubt, to politics, to clashing cultures. I think one of the most "tingly" moment for me was when the priest, captured by the local Japanese feudal lord, discusses and debates Christianity versus Buddhism with the Japanese lord.

A subject Endo seems to like to revisit (at least in this book) is Judas, the one who betrayed Jesus. Was Judas evil or was he just a pawn in God's greater plan for Jesus?

And the last line of the book, "But Our Lord was not silent. Even if He had been silent, my life until this day would have spoken of Him." Very, very profound.

I know I am not describing very well why I enjoyed this book or why it made such an impact on me, but if you're religious, and even if you're not religious and like to read, I highly suggest you read "Silence"

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