Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Update on life...

he weather has been kinda weird...really hot, but not sunny....pretty humid too.

It's actually amazing how well I'm doing with summer school...I just got a 90 on my business calc test today, and I was pretty surprised about that...I have an accounting test tomorrw, so I don't know what I'm going to do about that...otherwise, I was going to go see the Aggrolites tonite @ Blue Beat lounge, but since my Accounting prof moved the test from today, of which I am equally grateful, and ungrateful for, no go !

I kinda miss home....dicking around with the homies...there's talks about a camping trip, so I might head up for that (or if it's the case of beach camping, I guess I'll meat them half way).

Haha, I'm going to see Bubba's band for the first time this Sunday...he says that their last practice was really good, but I shall be the judge of that! I'm also excited to see Rico again....The Skeletones, I'll be mildly interested in...the Untouchables, I heard that only one original member is left, and that they kinda suck now, so.......

And apparently, the Pedal Tones are playing again on the the Chain Reaction, so that'll be interesting. Supposedly, a "super rad" special guest will be playing at that show also.

I think after I'm done with Summer School (which is only a little more than a week from today), I'm going to take music lessons...probably guitar...I'll have just have to figure a way to steal my sister's guitar down here...or I might buy one...though guitars are really expensive, I was reading up on a Rouge acoustic, that's less than 100, and is apparently, the best gutiar for beginners. It would be great to take up trumpet again, but with mr. dickwad living above me, I don't imagine I could practice trumpet so easily.

I also want to save up for a proper turntable...I want one that won't look like a freaking, "MY FIRST RECORD PLAYER" or something like that...but jeez, they're kinda pricey.

Also, after summer school has ended, I'll have to start working out...I know I've said this a million times, but fuck it, I'm keeping my word. I'm not the usual guy to worry about my weight or being fat much, but there comes a point, when enough is enough! I'll have to check out my school to see if the pool will be open for lap swimming, not just open for the public, and I wonder if the rest of the facilities operate normally...other wise, I guess I'll be looking into YMCA of 24 Hour Fitness.

My mom is coming down on Thursday, and my Uncle (from Texas) is coming on Friday...I was going to meet up with this guy (2Tone Ted) who would hook me up with this video of TSPO playing at a concert with Ska Flames, Prince Buster, and the Selecter and all that shit...and he has a lot of rare ska and reggae shit too, that I would love to check out/burn/steal. But it doesn't look like it'll be this Friday.

Oh yeah, I'm meeting up with a Study Abroad counselor for advising this Thursday also. Once I replace the big fat D- that I had in my Geology class (hopefully with a B or higher), my GPA should shoot up from a 2.9 to anywhere between 3.0 and 3.4, and that means I'll be eligble for the CSU study abroad program. I really hope I can go study in Japan, at least for one semester, perferable a whole academic year. The university that does the program with the CSU schools in general is a place called Waseda University, apparently a good school, from what I've heard. I might be able to get a double benefit going my 4th year (looks like I won't be graduating in 4 years...4.5 or 5 years is the soonest)...I might be able to find an internship in Japan, and that would help knock out the internship requierments for my International Business major.