Friday, February 03, 2006

World War III is started by cartoons...?

Opinions...are such a touchy subject.

I'm kinda torn on the whole issue with the Danish newspaper printing those cartoons which caused so much offense to Muslims around the world. I've seen those cartoons and they really can be offensive to Muslims.

At the same time, I'm a big proponent of free speech, and unforunately, the freedom of speech also includes the freedom to hate (thru means such as these cartoons, or message boards, or speech related things...not thru action). That does not mean I'm criticizing the protestors around the world protesting the cartoon...because protesting is a form of free speech. Who I'm criticizing, is those who are calling for a "holy" war against the "infidels". It really is vexing to see a lot of people actually wanting to kill others just for some silly cartoons. Is God so insecure that he'd want his followers to kill those who might disrespect him? I don't think so.

Now, switch to the other side. If the newspaper had posted offensive cartoons about something else...maybe something about homosexuals, or minorities, I really wonder if the newspapers would be as stubborn as they are now, constantly saying, "FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS!"? Well, I'm not sure how Europe treats homosexuals and minorities (and if France was any indication, than minorities are treated like shit), so I can't answer that question, but that's some food for thought.

I know that over here, if anything slightly offensive towards anything (especially religion...and more specifically, Christianity), then there'd be a huge uproar, and the pussy newspapers would immediately apologize and probably fire whoever made the offensive content. I mean, people have been fired for less.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Don't mind me, I'm just thinking randomly.

Sometimes, I wonder how R.A.C. (Rock Against Communism) became a white power movement. How can an event that is suppose to oppose a (what I consder) flawed political and ecomonic ideaology suddenly become an event that is wayyyy far right and strongly strongly racist? It doesn't make sense.

I know that Ian Stuart the guy who fronted Skrewdriver, started the whole thing as a response to Rock Against Racism.

Wait a minute, did being against racism have anything to do with being pro-communist? Because I'm certainly not a fan or racism, but I'm not communism's biggest fan either.

Ah, the actions of idiots, it boggles the mind at times.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Some things off my chest...

Hmm, I look totally different from the picture I have up on my blog. That was a pic of me earlier last summer in France, looking like a dirt bag...Well, at least I've cut my hair since then (though some might say I still look like a dirt bag).

So this blog is almost unheard of, till tonite, I didn't even remember it's existence...I guess this might be a blessing in a disguise, but we'll see.

Right now, I'm (suppose to be) studying for a Japanese quiz tomorrow...after 6 months of not taking Japanese, I'm a little screwed, since I forgot the majority of the words, and more importantly, the grammar, so I'm slowly relearning it.

2nd Semester began this far, classes seem to go quicker than last semester's classes, but this week has seemed to go slower than usual...funny how that works.

There are pressures other than the academic portion of college roommate is pushing me to join his fraternity, and while I had thought about joining it last semester, during my long winter break, I thought long and hard about it, and decided that being a frat just isn't my thing, and I seriously do not want to join it. I'm afraid of telling my roommate this, because I don't want to hurt his feelings. But seriously, he's been annoying me, parading around announcing to his fellow frat brothers that I'd be rushing this semester. He tells me that it'll be the most fun I'll ever have in my life, but I seriously doubt that. Just because it was great for him does not mean that it'll be great for me. In fact, based on our personalities, I would definately bet that our experiences would be vastly different. Rushing begins next week, and I'll give it a chance by attending some of the Rush events (mainly for the free food), but honestly I don't think I'll be joining the frat anytime soon.

Also, there is a feud going on between some of my friends that seriously makes me think I'm in highschool, rather than college. It's between a girl and a guy, and these two are not a couple. However, the girl has tendencies to play around with a lot of guys, and this is making her gain a rather infamous reputation. The guy does not want to see her be thought of as a whore, so he has talked to her several times, but she seems to be very dense, and not really get the point. Now the guy has completely cut her off, saying she isn't is girlfriend, nor is she a best friend, so he doesn't want to waste his time trying to tell her how destructive his actions are. Now he's urging me to cut her off as well.

See, I have a couple of problems with this...first of all, I strongly believe in friendship...and I don't really like to see it when friends cut each other off, especially when I feel the girl needs friends the most now. Second of all, just because he cut her off doesn't mean I want to cut her off...but it would be awkward between me and him, or me and her...I really don't want to see her be thought of as a whore, and like I have said, I strongly believe in friendship, and now is the time she needs friends the most.

On the other hand, her and him were closer friends than me and her, and if he couldn't get to her, then how can I expect to get to her?

It seems that I've written quite a bit, so I'll stop for now. Next blog should probably not be so personal.
Whoa whoa whoa...I don't even remember creating this blog, and I am kinda surprised to see this blog is still even active. I have a couple of things to say, so I'll probably post more later, but for now...this is it!