Friday, February 13, 2009

The so called "stimulus" bill.

"What I am signing, then, is a balanced plan with a mix of tax cuts and investments. It is a plan that's been put together without earmarks or the usual pork-barrel spending. And it is a plan that will be implemented with an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability"

Huh? without earmarks or pork-barrel? What's stuff like $50 million to the arts? $850 million for Amtrak? $412 million for Center of Disease Control? Shit like that (and a lot more) certainly isn't "stimulus."

And transparacy? If "transparancy" is pushing a 1,073 page bill past the Senate less than 24 hours after negotiations were finished...then I don't care for that definition of transparancy at all.

ANd I find it highly, highly, highly amusing when people are touting this age of "bipartisanship" when this so called stimulus bill got absolutely no votes from the Republicans in the House, and only 3 Republican senators voted for the bill in the Senate. THAT'S bipartisanship??? More like bullshit.