Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Ah, I love this song. I still remember my roommate and I putting on the John Holt version as loud as possible and singing the chorus on top of our lungs. Needless to say, security came, and we got in trouble (sorta, kinda).

Hmm, this issue with the abortion ban in South Dakota is quite troubling to me. I am a fierce opponent of abortion, but I don't believe that we're ready for legislation that out right bans the whole thing. I'd rather there be other ways of discouraging people from abortion, without banning it. To me, freedom of choice begins before sex, not after.

Speaking of women, the feminist club at my school kinda annoys me. It's like, they try too hard to show that they're equal to men. They were putting up posters around the campus about hwo they're challenging males to a feminist arm wrestle. Lame.

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